
Tips To Straighten Wet & Wavy Hair

A flat iron provides us with wonderful styling option for styling even the most unmanageable hair within a few minutes. You can also acquire beautifully straightened hair out of your wet and wavy hair simply without depending on any hair styling specialist. The proper use of hair straightening techniques along with the use of the best quality hair straightener can help in straightening your wet and wavy hair for which ever occasion you wish to. 1. The best way of retaining the straightened appeal on your hair after using a straightening iron is the use of proper hair straightening balms or creams. You should take only a small amount of hair straightening balm in your hand and then rub it with both the hands. Then slowly apply the product with your hands on your hair from root to the hair tips. 2. After working out the hair straightening product from your root to hair tip, you should check whether the product has covered your hair completely. You are advised to add some more if you do not feel like the amount you applied on the hair is adequate rc air swimmers and cannot be seen easily. But, remember, applying excessive amount of any hair styling products can make the hair oily and stiff and can easily increase the risk of hair breakage and damage. 3. The next process is brushing your hair using a paddle brush from root to tip. Brushing will help in working out the product to every part of the hair that it has not reached. Air Swimmers 4. Now your hair is ready for the process of straightening with a flat iron. You should first adjust the temperature of the device according to the type of your hair so that you do not burn your hair when styling. 5. Pull your hair straight with a paddle brush and them direct the nozzle of the hair dryer to the back of the brush and then dry Remote Control Air Swimmer your wet hair smoothly. 6. Finally, you can style your hair to your desired hair style by gliding your flat iron slowly through your hair sections.

